Iskander Amyatt-Leir
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Rebranding Fringe!
Fringe! is a queer film and arts festival showcasing a diverse, inclusive and provocative range of queer produced visual arts. While the festival has expanded over the years the main ethos remains the same: creating an accessible, affordable and inter-sectional space. The festival is constantly looking at ways to include new voices and ideas.
Instead of one logo there is a distinctive typographic treatment to the festival’s name, Fringe! representing the fluid and ever changing nature of gender, sexuality and the queer community.
The branding is androgynous without ignoring male and female identities. Lavender is historically linked to the queer community, with purple representing a mix of male and female in queer pride flags and green the non-binary identities. Pink and blue are used equally to avoid gender connotations.

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